Menu Plan Monday 10/16/17



Welcome back to Menu Plan Monday! Here’s what’s on our menu this week:

Monday: Chicken and Steak Fajitas

Tuesday: Grilled chicken with roasted sweet potatoes

Wednesday: Spanish Meatloaf

Thursday: Mexican Pizza

Friday: Chicken Quesadillas

thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!

TOS Review: CTCMath

CTCMathEveryone has those subjects they just love, and also those that, well, they don’t like so much. For me, the not-so-much subject has always been math. Fortunately, my youngest likes math a lot more than I do,  but he finds it easier to learn it from someone who is not me.  I am always on the lookout for programs I can use so he can learn at his own pace, and I was happy to check out a single student membership from CTCMath for this review.

CTC offers a wide range of math programs, from elementary to the high school level. For this review, my son, who is a high school junior, tried out their Algebra 2 program. This class is divided into three sections, each one sub-divided into topics like solving linear equations, polynomials, rational expressions, and more. Lessons consist of a video of math problems being solved narrated by an instructor who explains each step. My son preferred this to a video that showed an actual teacher working on a board, because he said it made it easier to focus on the problems themselves. The narrator speaks very clearly and at a good pace, and my son enjoyed his accent!

CTCMathAfter watching the video, students can then complete a worksheet that gives them a chance to practice what they learned. They can do the work on paper or you can print out a copy of the sheet for them to work on. Students type their answers into CTC and it tells them how many they got right. Students can make multiple attempts on the worksheets and even go back to watch the video again if they want. Afterwards, students can then view complete worked out solutions for the problems if they can’t figure something out. I can’t tell you how much I love this feature! Having the problems worked out step by step really helped us identify where my son made a mistake. Often, you will get an answer key with the simple answer, but that doesn’t help much once you get into upper level math, so this is a part that I really appreciate.

The results tab lists the scores for each lessons, the numbers of attempts made at each lesson, and the date the lesson was passed. This makes it very easy to track your child’s progress. For parents, CTC allows you to log in and set tasks for your child to complete. These tasks will appear under the “tasks” tabs on your child’s page. You can set a date for completion and you get notifications if tasks are not done on time. In addition, you get weekly emails with reports on your child’s activity for the week. These are really helpful if you’re in a busy season and can’t be on top of your child every day because you can easily see if your child is on track.

CTCMathAdditional features I really like about CTCMath include their speed drills, where kids can practice math facts, and their diagnostic tests. You can assign these and use them to determine what things your child really needs to focus on. On the whole, I think CTC is a very solid math program and a great help for parents who want to give their kids more independence. In addition to single-student memberships, CTC also offers family memberships and they allow you to do a free trial so you can check it out first! If you are interested, you should check out their special pricing which runs from now until 11/15/17 which gives you a discount of 60 percent off!

To learn more, connect with CTC on social media here:

CTCMath on Facebook

CTCMath on Twitter

CTCMath on YouTube

To see what other members of the crew thought of this program, click here:


CTCMath Online Math Tutoring {Reviews}Crew Disclaimer

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

roasted sweet potato


I love sweet potatoes as a side dish and this week they were on sale. We’ve already had mashed sweet potatoes, and I was going to bake these but then I decided to try something new instead. My husband absolutely loves these! And they are super easy to make.


2 large sweet potatoes

Brown sugar (1/4-1/2 cup)


cinnamon (1 tbsp)

chili powder (1 tsp).

olive oil

The measurements here are based on the flavor my family likes, which is sweet and spicy, but you should really season these to your personal taste.


  1. Wash the sweet potatoes and chop into about 1-inch rounds.
  2. Line a baking pan with foil and spray with cooking spray.
  3. Drizzle the sweet potatoes with olive oil.
  4. Lay the sweet potatoes on the baking sheet.
  5. Sprinkle the potatoes with the brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, and chili powder.
  6. Bake at 425 degrees about 30-40 minutes until potatoes are tender.

Menu Plan Monday 10/2/17



We made it to October!! While fall isn’t exactly in the air here, I feel like I can see it coming around the corner and I am excited! I am excited to start adding more soups and stews to our weekly recipes. This is what I have for this week:

Monday: BBQ pork

Tuesday: Chicken thighs with fall vegetables

Wednesday: Creamy mushroom soup (my boys favorite!)

Thursday: Rosemary lemon baked chicken

Friday: Ribs on the grill

Thanks for stopping by for Menu Plan Monday! Have a great week!