Booklovers Anonymous: The Night at the Museum

The Night at the Museum

If you are looking for a fun book to begin a unit study I would definitely suggest The Night at the Museum by Milan Trenc. Written in 1993, the book is set in the Museum of Natural History and follows the adventures of Larry, the museum’s latest night guard. He begins his night sitting in his chair thinking he will be able to take a nap, but is incredibly surprised when things turn out differently!

Of course, many people are familiar with this story from the 2006 Night at the Museum movie starring Ben Stiller, which would make a great resource for the study. However, there is so much more you can do with this book. For starters, visit the American Museum of Natural History website to explore current exhibitions, take a peak behind the scenes, and learn about various science topics.

From there, customize your unit study by choosing specific animals to learn about. Or choose some of the historical figures in the book to research. A wide range of topics are available from monkeys, tigers, and dinosaurs to Lewis and Clark and John Audubon. You could even wrap up your unit study by having your kids create their own museum diorama or display to share with the family, or having a day where they dress up as their favorite character and give a speech.

This book is so much fun, it is still one of my kids favorites for a bed time read aloud!

Thanks for joining me for Booklovers Anonymous! Be sure to come back next week. Feel free to share or pin this post!

5 thoughts on “Booklovers Anonymous: The Night at the Museum

  1. I had no idea that it was book before it was a movie. I’m thinking I want to read the book just for fun. Maybe as a read loud or just to myself 😀

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