My Favorite Summer Recipes

Ah summer. It’s 100 degrees in the shade and cooking outdoors, in the crock pot, or in the microwave rules (at least in Florida!). I like to try to avoid heating up my house any more than it already is, so I try to find meals that do not involve using my oven. For our crew round up this week, we are sharing our summer recipes.  These are some of my favorites:

1. Greek Chicken Salad: An easy and delicious meal. You can use your own chicken or cheat like I do and heat some up in the microwave.

Greek Chicken Salad

2. Pork Verde: Delicious tacos in the crock pot.

3. Mexican Chicken Salad: Another easy salad using rotisserie chicken.

Mexican Pizza

4. Mexican Pizza: This cooks in the oven, but only for a short time.

5. Burgers on the Grill with Bean Salad: Grills and summer just go together.

Bean Salad, the perfect summer side.

6. Pudding Grahamwiches : The perfect summer dessert!

Do you have a favorite summer recipe? Let me know in the comments. To see what other members of the crew had to share this week, click here (goes live 6/4/14):

Favorite Curriculum Choices

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